Wie Du mit Inkasso Deine Liquidität steigern kannst
The collaboration between Debtist and scanmetrix combines two areas of expertise: financial management and technical facility management. This partnership was created to offer your business a comprehensive solution that not only optimizes your financial processes but also makes managing your properties more efficient.
Founded in 2020 in Mülheim an der Ruhr, scanmetrix has established itself as a leading provider of digital facility management. The software from scanmetrix integrates six different applications into one platform, digitally covering the entire lifecycle of properties. This allows you to manage and optimize your buildings more efficiently. Additionally, the system enables seamless integration of your service providers, significantly reducing administrative effort and ensuring everything runs smoothly.
By partnering with Debtist and scanmetrix, you benefit from a unique solution that seamlessly combines financial and operational processes. With the scanmetrix platform, you not only have the ability to manage all relevant data and workflows in real time, but you can also directly hand over your outstanding invoices to Debtist for processing.
This embedded debt collection ensures that you no longer have to handle receivables management yourself, saving time and optimizing cash flow. This way, you can focus entirely on your core business while your finances are managed automatically and efficiently.
This collaboration offers you completely new opportunities to modernize and enhance your property management. The integrated platform from scanmetrix, combined with Debtist's expertise in debt collection, helps you execute your projects more successfully and cost-effectively.
We invite you to discover the benefits of this partnership for your business. Contact us to learn more about how we can work together to meet your specific needs and take your processes to the next level.
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